BIKE-O-VISION "Reading, Riding & 'Rithmetic!"
Franklin Academy Students Bicycle Around the World using Bike-O-Vision!
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- Teachers are always finding new ways to make learning fun for their students.
That’s why one physical education teacher is mixing fitness with world traveling. Mrs. Davis’ fourth grade class at Franklin Academy is learning about different places to visit, no behind a desk but behind a set of handle bars. “We’ve been in cities, we’ve been in country sides, we’ve been to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and we’ve been to the beach,” says Terrie Gooch. The virtual trip allows students like Vermon Gordon a chance to visit cities around the world and opens their eyes to new possibilities. “I like to see places I’ve never seen before. I hope I get to go to some places like this one day,” says Vermon Gordon. Of all the places Gordon has seen in this P.E. class, he definitely has a favorite. “Hawaii. “why do you like Hawaii so much?” It’s got the big beaches and water,” says Gordon. Kayla Spann took a virtual trip to Hawaii as well, then got on a plane to see it in person. “At first I went to Hawaii on the bike and when my Uncle he showed me the places that Coach already has showed me,” says Kayla Spann. While exploring the globe might seem tiring, Spann barely realizes she’s exercising. “It’s fun. You get to exercise and travel at the same time,” says Spann. Coach Gooch hopes the trips and physical fitness will encourage students to travel in the future. “We want to expose our students to places they haven't seen. We hope our "Reading, RIDING, and 'Rithmetic" program will help them to dream about places that they would someday like to visit!” says Gooch. |
By Heather Black – October 23, 2014
Posted in: Education, Faith-Family, Family, Health, Local News, Travel ![]() "After more than twenty years as a physical educator, I can say with confidence that our biking program is the most popular unit and benefits our students physically, academically and socially. Fantastic!" Terry Gooch
An integrated fitness and educational program designed by Terrie Gooch. Note: If you'd like more information about how Mrs Gooch got her integrated fitness program into Franklin Academy please see the following PDF. |
Helping Kids One School at a Time. If you know a school that would like to start this healthy cycling program for students let us know at Bike-O-Vision. We can help!